30.09.2024 08:00
until 31.12.2024 17:00
The four founding countries – Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Hungary – decided in 2004 to collaborate more closely. In 2013, Poland joined this collaboration. The Central European Congresses on Concrete Engineering (CCC) became a forum for a cross-border exchange of experience among principals, authorities, contractors, design engineers and academics in the field of construction materials and technology, concrete structures and civil engineering, as well as applied research and development. The tradition started by the first Congress in 2005 held in Graz and followed by Congresses in founding countries in annual intervals. Since 2013, a two-year interval was accepted. After the Covid break, the 13th Congress was held in Zakopane (Pl) in 2022 and the 14th Congress will follow in Mikulov (CZ) in 2024. Partners of the Congtress: Metrostav a.s., Stráský, Hustý a partneři s.r.o., Heidelberg Materials CZ, a.s.